Personal Cases 83, 84 and 85. Mrs. Mann asked the Secretary of State for War (1) when he will implement his promises to reply to correspondence concerning the Army officer who acts for the insurance company; (2) why the hon. Member for Coatbridge has not yet had a reply to correspondence placed before him four months ago on an urgent matter;(3) whether Captain W. Allen Court, R.A.M.C., is still issuing certificates to his men, on behalf of insurance companies, ending compensation payments. Mr. Bellenger I regret the delay in sending my hon. Friend a final reply on this matter, but I hope to write to her very shortly. 89. Mr. Maude asked the Secretary of State for War if he is aware that T/14802182 Lance-Corporal, R. Jones, H.Q. 258 Company (T.G.), R.A.S.C., M.E.L.F., who was due for release on 2nd November, 1946, has been held back from demobilisation in order to be a witness in a court martial; that his evidence had not been taken by 28th March, 1947; that this man's wife suffers from a rheumatic heart and has three young children to care for; that the Army welfare authorities have strongly recommended his immediate release; whether he will see that these legal proceedings are now brought rapidly to the point at which this man can be released; and what is the probable date of release. Mr. Bellenger Lance-Corporal Jones is an essential witness at the forthcoming trial of a warrant officer, a non-commissioned officer and eight drivers who have been charged with trafficking in dangerous drugs. The trial cannot take place until the arrival of another witness who is returning to the Middle East to give evidence, but it is hoped that it will start during this month. Lance-Corporal Jones will' be released as soon as possible, I hope during May. 95. Wing-Commander Millington asked the Secretary of State for War how soon the hon. and gallant Member for Chelmsford will receive an answer to his letter of 1st October, 1946, with reference to 6920899 Corporal Gaymer. Mr. Bellenger My hon. and gallant Friend has received several letters in reply to his original letter of 1st October and subsequent letters about this case. I hope to write to him further very shortly. 99. Mr. Bramall asked the Secretary of State for War the reasons for the delay from 24th June, 1946, to 21st March, 1947, in transferring the account of 14359703 Sergeant H. H. M. Kelly, R.A.E.C., to the appropriate paymaster and, consequently, in paying him his correct rate of pay as a sergeant. Mr. Bellenger The delay in transferring Sergeant Kelly's account to the appropriate paymaster, which I regret, was due to belated notification of his transfer by the military authorities overseas caused by shortage of trained personnel during last year. The arrears of pay and marriage allowance have, of course, been paid with effect from 24th June, 1946.