Trade Marks SIR HOWARD VINCENT To ask the President of the Board of Trade what steps he proposes to take with regard to the recommendations of the Select Committee of 1897 concerning the Merchandise Marks Act, 1877, and. the advertisement to Foreign trade rivals of the mark Made in Germany required under certain circumstances by the 17th section, having regard to the failure to secure enactment for the Bill upon the subject, notwithstanding its passage through the Standing Committee and the assistance of the Board of Trade. (Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) I am afraid I cannot at present give any promise to introduce a Bill to amend the Merchandise Marks Act, but I am fully aware of the importance of the subject. ------------------------------------------------ |(a) For local delivery. |(b) For export.‡| ------------------------------------------------ | | |Marks per ton.|Marks per ton.| ------------------------------------------------ |Breslau—Hamburg |609 |28·60|14·60| ------------------------------------------------ |Magdeburg—Hamburg |251 |12·50|6·70| ------------------------------------------------ |Magdeburg—Bremen |267 |13·20|7·10| ------------------------------------------------ |Brunswick (Main Stn.)—Hamburg|190 |9·80|5·40| ------------------------------------------------ |Brunswick (Main Stn.)—Bremen |184 |9·50|5·20| ------------------------------------------------ |Düsseldorf—Hamburg |384 |15·70|6·50| ------------------------------------------------ |Frankfurt a. M.—Hamburg |531 |33·10|12·90| ------------------------------------------------ |Dresden—Hamburg |462 |28·90|11·40| ------------------------------------------------