Land Purchases 10. Sir Percy Hurd asked the Minister of Town and Country Planning whether he is aware that before and during the war there has been much selling of land in plots in the New Forest and elsewhere to buyers without any disclosure of planning proposals which would affect the land; and whether he will make it known to the Auctioneers and Estate Agents Institute and the Law Society that, before purchases of land are contemplated for building or otherwise, the local authority or planning officer should be consulted? The Minister of Town and Country Planning (Mr. W. S. Morrison) I am aware that land is sometimes bought without inquiry regarding planning and other restrictions to which it may be subject, but the Register of Local Land Charges contains entries of such restrictions, and I have ho doubt that auctioneers and the bodies to whom my hon. Friend refers are well aware of the need for search in the Register and any other appropriate inquiries. This answer should serve to give further publicity to the matter. Sir P. Hurd Is my right hon. Friend aware that in spite of what he says this business is going on, and will he himself give an intimation to these bodies that they should be cautionary in this matter? Mr. Morrison Machinery exists for the registration of these restrictions, and it really is a case for proper professional vigilance on the part of agents for purchasers. Major Mills Is my right hon. Friend aware that there is an active and useful planning committee in the New Forest, and will he consider giving that and other committees throughout the country greater powers? Mr. Morrison I will consider that.