Nuclear Waste Mr. Simon Hughes To ask the Secretary of State for Energy if he will give the radioactive inventory, in terms of alpha and gamma/beta components, together with a listing of the principal fission products and acticides and the properties thereof, contained within a single vitrified high-level waste container for liquid wastes arising from the reprocessing of magnesium oxide uranium alloy irradiated fuel at 4 to 5 GWeday/tonne uranium burn-up for irradiated oxide fuel of advanced gas-cooled reactor 18 and 24 GWeday/tonne uranium burn-up and light water reactor fuel at 33 GWeday/tonne uranium burn-up; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Baldry The detailed radioactive inventory for vitrified high-level waste containers is a matter for British Nuclear Fuels plc. This inventory has to be taken into account in preparing the safety case for the on-site storage of these canisters, which has to be agreed by the Health and Safety Executive's nuclear installations inspectorate before the plant can be operated.