Civic Restaurant, Brentford And Chiswick Mr. F. Noel-Baker asked the Minister of Food whether he will defer, for a period of three months from 31st March, 1947, the closing of the Cambridge Road restaurant, in order that the borough council of Brentford and Chiswick may have an opportunity of taking a valuation, with the district valuer, of the building and equipment before deciding whether or not to acquire this British Restaurant. Mr. Strachey The Borough Council of Brentford and Chiswick, in common with all other local authorities in England, Wales, and Scotland, was given notice on 1st June, 1946, of the termination of the financial arrangements under which British Restaurants were then operated and was given a choice of terms agreed with the representative associations of local authorities under which the assets could be taken over from the Ministry. On one method the assets could have been taken over at the original cost less depreciation at 1 per cent. per month for the period during which the restaurant had operated. Alternatively, the restaurant could have been actually valued by the district valuer. The first of these methods indicated the maximum liability of the council If the council required a valuation before deciding whether to take over the Cambridge Road restaurant application should have been made long before this. I cannot agree to make an exception to the agreed procedure solely because of the delay on the part of the council in. applying for a valuation. It is still open to the council to continue the restaurant under the terms of the notice of 1st June, 1946. If they decide to do this the settlement of the transfer cost could be left until it is determined which of the options would be most favourable to the council.