Thurleigh (Pilot Training) Mr. Skeet asked the Minister of Aviation Supply why he did not hold consultations with the Bedfordshire Rural District Council and the Bedfordshire County Council before deciding to transfer the training of British Overseas Airways Corporation pilots and others from Stansted to Thurleigh. Mr. Corfield The use of Thurleigh for the B.O.A.C. training flights is not a new activity, but only an extension of a type of flying already undertaken there. As my hon. Friend is aware, arrangements were made to inform the local authorities at a meeting on 6th January of the intended build-up of the number of training flights. This build-up will be a gradual process. Mr. Skeet asked the Minister of Aviation Supply whether he envisages the bulk of the movements for the training of pilots at Thurleigh will take place during the summer period or whether they will be spread evenly during the year; and whether asymmetric and low flying is also td be undertaken in the vicinity of Thurleigh. Mr. Corfield For training fights at Thurleigh, B.O.A.C. will normally use aircraft made available for short periods between scheduled flights. On balance the flying will be fairly evenly spread throughout the year. Some of the mandatory training exercises involve a simulated engine failure on take-off and approach. There will be no low flying as it is generally understood; normal civil aircraft procedures will be followed.