Clause 5—(Constructional Schemes) The Lord Advocate I beg to move, in page 4, line 19, to leave out "for inspection." This Amendment is consequential on Amendments which were made during the Committee stage. As the Bill was originally drafted, copies of schemes were to be deposited only for inspection, but as the result of Amendments they are also to be deposited for sale. Therefore it becomes necessary to remove these limiting words "for inspection." Amendment agreed to. Mr. Johnston I beg to move, in page 4, line 20, to leave out "the time (being not less than," and to insert "a period of." This Amendment is being made to meet the wishes of hon. Members opposite who raised considerable discussion and some apprehension lest the words in the Bill "not less than" might lead to the period of inspection being dragged out for an unnecessarily long time. The Amendment will definitely limit the period of inspection to 40 days. Amendment agreed to. The Lord Advocate I beg to move, in page 5, line 13, to leave out from "not," to "unless," in line 14, and to insert: "provide supplies of electricity from the said works." This Amendment and the next Amendment on the Paper fall to be considered together. The proviso at the end of Clause 5 has been found on examination to be rather hampering, and we therefore wish to alter the drafting. The point is that if the proviso as it stands were strictly read, the Board would have to produce the scheme before they started work. Everybody's intention was that the scheme should be available before there was electricity for sale, and in order to remove any doubt we seek to make this first Amendment. The Amendment which follows is of a more minor character. The provision in the Bill is in respect of "the area to which the constructional scheme relates," but that is not quite wide enough. What we want is the area in which the electricity is to be disposed of, and therefore we propose to insert instead the words "covering the North of Scotland District." Amendment agreed to. Further Amendment made: In page 5, line 16, leave out from "Act" to the end of line 17, and insert: "covering the North of Scotland district."—[ The Lord Advocate.]