Personal Cases 9. Mr. E. P. Smith asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware of the case of 117727 Private M. A. Andrews, who was recently discharged but made application to rejoin the R.A.O.C. in order to complete his 12 years' service; that he was turned down because of some temporary unfitness; and if he will make inquiries and see whether he can allow this man to be re-examined medically at a later date. Mr. Bellenger Mr. Andrews was medically examined last November and again during March at his own request. Unfortunately, he was on both occasions found to be definitely unfit for re-enlistment and I am afraid that no useful purpose would be served by examining him again. 10. Mr. Swingler asked the Secretary of State for War if he will consider the claim of Mr. William Amos, details of which have been sent to him, in respect of an accident on 14th September, 1946, as a result of which the driver of a military omnibus was convicted for carelessness; if he is aware that Mr. Amos's solicitors have been informed that it is the duty of all claimants to minimise their losses and that he has been offered £30 for necessary repairs estimated to cost more than £80; and whether he will accept liability for payment in full. Mr. Bellenger On 22nd March an offer of £80, without prejudice to the question of liability, was made to Mr. Amos's solicitors, who have refused this offer orally, but have not so far confirmed their refusal in writing or indeed formulated their client's claim in detail.