London Police Buildings DR. COOPER (Southwark, Bermondsey) I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, as a moiety of the cost of erecting London police courts, police section houses, and barracks is paid out of the police rate, he will give directions to the receiver of the Metropolitan Police Fund to furnish a detailed statement of expenditure, separately giving the cost of the site and buildings, the annual amount of the rental received from the barracks, and the amount of the annual deficit. MR. GLADSTONE Police quarters usually form part of police stations, and, in such cases, it would not be possible to give a detailed statement as suggested; but before the accounts of the Metropolitan Police Fund for the current year are issued I will consider whether some additional information might be given. DR. COOPER Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that very extravagant prices are being paid for some of these sites? MR. GLADSTONE That is a matter of opinion, but if the hon. Member can give me any specific case I will inquire.