General Practitioners Mr. Cousins To ask the Secretary of State for Health what is the number of general practices and general practitioners in each district health authority area within the Northern region; and what is the number of such general practices and general practitioners that have expressed an interest in becoming practice budget holders. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley Information on numbers of general practices in each district health authority is not available centrally. The latest figures for the numbers of practices and general practitioners in Northern region by family practitioner committee are given in the table. A total of 65 practices in Northern region expressed their interest in the fund holding scheme and the regional health authority announced on 27 March 1990 that 31 practices which met the eligibility criteria will be undertaking the necessary preparatory work for the fund holding scheme. ---------------- |Cleveland | ---------------- |Cumbria | ---------------- |Durham | ---------------- |Northumberland| ---------------- |Gateshead | ---------------- |Newcastle | ---------------- |North Tyneside| ---------------- |South Tyneside| ---------------- |Sunderland | ---------------- | | ---------------- Mr. Michael Morris To ask the Secretary of State for Health, pursuant to his answer of 1 May, Official Report, column 535, whether the discussions with Ordnance Survey concerning general practitioners' practice leaflets have yet been concluded. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley Yes. A circular clarifying the position will be issued to all family practitioner committees shortly Mr. Michael Morris To ask the Secretary of State for Health when the necessary computer software packages for the management of general practitioner practice budgets will be available; and what Government subsidies will be paid to computer companies for the development of appropriate software packages. Mr. Dorrell I refer my hon. Friend to the reply I gave the hon. Member for Roxburgh and Berwickshire (Mr. Kirkwood) on 25 June.