Consumption Mr. Penhaligon asked the Secretary of State for Energy what is the total United Kingdom energy consumption of each primary fuel, i.e. coal, gas, oil, nuclear and hydro-electric, in million ton coal equivalents for each year since 1945; and what is the estimate for 1974 and 1975. Mr. Varley Total gross United Kingdom inland consumption, in million tons of coal or coal equivalent, for the years 1946–1973 and for January-October 1974 are given in the following table. I regret that figures for 1945 are not available. Because of the uncertainties about the supply situation, I am unable to estimate future consumption in these precise terms.he has taken to explain to the public the advantages to the balance of payments of energy conservation since 1st March 1974. Mr. John Smith My Department has given priority in its programme since 1st March 1974 to those steps which would actively promote the more efficient use of energy which in turn will help us in our aim of easing the balance of payments. Ministers have also constantly drawn attention to the import or balance of payments advantages in their public statements including my right hon. Friend's major policy statements on 26th June and 9th December 1974. Mr. Penhaligon asked the Secretary of State for Energy if he will list the nationalised industries, giving the total energy saved by each industry since March 1974 due to Government energy conservation policies. Mr. John Smith That part of energy saved by the nationalised industries directly attributable to Government policies only would be impossible to quantify. All nationalised industries are fully aware of Government policies and the need to take active measures to use energy more effectively. Mr. Penhaligon asked the Secretary of State for Energy what expenditure has been undertaken on advertising the advantages of energy conservation since 1st March 1974. Mr. Varley Total expenditure on publicity to promote energy conservation since 1st March 1974 has been £39,235 In addition £14,863 has been spent on research into public attitudes to energy conservation. The figures do not take account of an energy-saving campaign which I shall be launching shortly.