Miners' Pension Funds Adam Price To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when the funds allocated to her Department from the British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme and the Mineworkers Pension Schemes which remain unpaid will be removed from the pension funds and paid into the consolidated fund. [102763] Mr. Wilson The income streams from the Guarantor's Funds already created from valuation surpluses of each Scheme are payable to the Consolidated Fund in instalments over 10 year periods, the last of which will end in 2010–11.Releases from the Investment Reserves are determined by the Schemes' actuary following completion of each actuarial valuation. As part of the Guarantee discussions with the Trustees last year, it was agreed in principle to extend the lifetime of the Investment Reserve beyond the 25 years agreed in 1994. Adam Price To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what the entitlement of Her Majesty's Treasury is to sums from (a) the British Coal Staff Superannuation Scheme and (b) the Mineworkers Pension Scheme that have accrued but are yet to be paid. [102771] Mr. Wilson The actual amounts received by the Government will depend on future investment returns and any amounts applied in support of the pension guarantee as determined by the Schemes' periodic valuations.