Books Mr. Sharp asked the Secretary of State for Air how many book distribution centres are operated by his Department; what is the approximate number of unused books now in store and the current rate of issue and intake; and what action he proposes taking to ensure that the public may obtain books not required by his Department. Mr. Swingler asked the Secretary of State for Air if he is aware that 500,000 new books are stored at Innsworth Royal Air Force station and are not being used that most of these books are in demand at public libraries; and if he will take action to have them released to libraries and schools forthwith. Mr. A. Henderson There is one depot for storing and distributing books for the R.A.F., at Innsworth. The number of new hooks there at present is about 150,000. The intake of books has almost stopped: the rate of issue of new and used books is about 1,000 a week. The work of sorting out books needed for the Royal Air Force is proceeding. Surplus books are sent to His Majesty's Stationery Office for disposal. About 250,000 have been sent to them already.