Postal Rates 28. Colonel WEDGWOOD asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the increase in the letter postage rates from Palestine to Great Britain is still in force or not, and what are the present rates on internal letters in Palestine; what additional revenue the Palestine authorities estimated would accrue in a year by the increase, and what they did actually receive in this period; and whether, if the increase is still in existence, it is proposed to remove it and, if so, when? Dr. SHIELS As from 1st April, 1930, the Palestine Government reverted to the postal rates in force for letters to Great Britain and Northern Ireland prior to March, 1929. When the temporary increase came into force it was estimated that the additional revenue would be at the rate of £2,000 annually. The actual receipts were a little over £1,500, in addition to the revenue obtained from letters sent by members of the British garrison, of which I have no particulars. The rates at present in force for inland letters are: Five mils for first 20 grammes. Three mils for each additional 20 grammes or part thereof.