Insurance Acts (Consolidation) 17. Mr. SINKINSON asked the Minister of Labour if she will consider the framing of an Unemployment Insurance Act consolidating all the Acts now existing, with a view to a simple reading of the Act? Miss BONDFIELD Yes, Sir. I propose to take this in hand as soon as the Bill now before Parliament becomes law. I ought to point out that a Bill to consolidate the Unemployment Insurance Acts must be confined to what consolidation implies. It can only contain provisions that reproduce the law as it exists and cannot add to or detract from that law. Mr. SINKINSON Do I understand that 26 Acts have been passed since the inception of that Measure, and would not the consolidation of those Acts be an advantage? Miss BONDFIELD That is, of course, the point. Captain GUNSTON Does the Minister of Labour think that the consolidation of these Acts will be so simple as is suggested in the question?