Business Of The House Mr. BONAR LAW Will the Prime Minister state what business he proposes to take next week, and also after eleven o'clock to-night? The PRIME MINISTER To-night, after the Third Reading of the Finance Bill, there are several private Bills, and we do not propose to take any Government business. It would be premature at this moment to make any statement with regard to the Government of Ireland (Amendment) Bill. Subject to any arrangements which may become necessary in regard to that measure, next week we shall take Supply in the following order: Navy Votes—Votes 12, 13, 14, and 15—followed by the Money Resolution in regard to the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, and, if possible, some smaller Orders, the Colonial Office Vote, the Board of Education Vote, Scottish Estimates, and the Home Office Vote. Lord EDMUND TALBOT Do the Government intend to take anything to-morrow besides the Housing Bill? The PRIME MINISTER No, Sir. Mr. PIRIE May I ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the possible debating of the Amending Bill, he will give further attention to the suggestion that if it is debated the Party Whips may be taken off in order that the common sense of the House may prevail and relieve the crisis? Mr. WILLIAM REDMOND How does the Party Whip affect you? You never vote! Mr. J. HOGGE May I ask, with regard to the Scottish Estimates on Wednesday, if it is the case that a large part of the time will be devoted to the consideration of the case of Lieutenant Cameron, and whether, if we are only to have one day, the Prime Minister will see that that case is not taken on Wednesday, so that we may discuss the real affairs of Scotland? The PRIME MINISTER I cannot prescribe the way in which Scottish Members should occupy the time. Sir CLEMENT KINLOCH-COOKE With regard to the Navy Votes, will they allow of a general discussion on the Navy, or will the discussion be confined to the specific Votes? The PRIME MINISTER I think the general discussion will be taken on Vote 8. Mr. PIRIE Cannot the Prime Minister give some answer to my question? The PRIME MINISTER The answer is No, Sir. Mr. PRETYMAN Has it not been the practice to have a general discussion on Vote 12—the salary of the First Lord of the Admiralty? The PRIME MINISTER I thought it was taken on Vote 8. It can be taken on either Vote 8 or Vote 12. If the hon. Gentleman would like to have it on Vote 12, I certainly agree. Ordered, That the Proceedings on the Finance Bill have precedence this day of the Business of Supply.—[The Prime Minister.]