Vaccination And Inoculation Mr. Viant asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the men in Dennis Barnes' unit who were paraded for vaccination at the same time as Dennis Barnes, have corroborated his statement that a number of the men held up their hands against being vaccinated when told by the sergeant that the operation was voluntary, and that they withdrew their opposition when told by the sergeant that if they became ill and had not been vaccinated they would lose their pay and were going to be put on fatigues straight away; and whether he will make further inquiries with a view to preventing such occurrences in future? Mr. Stanley The answer to the first part of the Question is in the negative, and, in view of the full inquiries already made, I do not think any further action is called for. Mr. Leach asked the Secretary of State for War whether, in view of the announcement made by his Department on 31st July, 1939, that the question of vaccination and inoculation for members of the Auxiliary Territorial Service is entirely a personal matter and that there is no compulsion, he will inform the commandants of the Auxiliary Territorial Service that they cannot compel the women enrolled in that service to be vaccinated nor threaten with dismissal those who refuse? Mr. Stanley All vaccination and inoculation carried out on members of the Auxiliary Territorial Service is on a voluntary basis, and specific instructions to that effect have already been issued to those concerned.