Homelessness: Rail Information Booth 2.55 p.m. Lord JANNER My Lords, I beg leave to ask the second Question which stands in my name on the Order Paper. The Question was as follows: To ask Her Majesty's Government what have been the results of their continued negotiations with British Rail about permission to site an information booth for the young homeless on the concourse of Euston Station. Lord WELLS-PESTELL My Lords, British Rail have repeated their offer to consider letting the East Lodge at Euston Station for use as an information centre. I understand that the voluntary organisations concerned are reconsidering their previous rejection of this offer. British Rail have also offered to make facilities available for leaflets giving details of the services and agencies concerned with helping young people in the London area. Lord JANNER My Lords, while I thank my noble friend for his reply, is he aware that kiosks are set up on the station from time to time advertising commercial items and has he ever considered suggesting that the railway authorities should have a kiosk in the places which they from time to time sell to their commercial customers? Lord WELLS-PESTELL My Lords, originally the Government wanted something of this kind on the concourse itself. As your Lordships will recall, when I replied to my noble friend Lord Janner on 22nd July I myself gave an account of the position at that time, pointing out that British Rail were not prepared to have anything on the concourse. We have made some progress and are depending on the attitude of the organisations which would man this facility. However, we are also having further correspondence with British Rail to see whether we can provide something on the concourse. It may be that the leaflets which British Rail are prepared to allow will be available on the concourse.