Disabled People (Housing Needs) Mr. Alfred Morris asked the Secretary of State for Social Services (1) what action he will be taking with regard to the report produced jointly by his Department and the Department of the Environment on "Organising House Adaptations for Disabled People" and, in particular, the decreasing involvement of social services departments in assessing housing needs; and if he will make a statement;(2) what action he is taking on the recommendations in the report produced jointly by his Department and the Department of the Environment on "Organising House Adaptations for Disabled People" concerning the greater provision of technical advice on housing and adaptations to occupational therapists and social workers. Mr. Rossi There is nothing in the report to indicate a decreasing involvement of social services departments in assessing needs for housing adaptations. It does, however, indicate that there are some local variations in the service.The report, which has been circulated to all local authorities, makes recommendations about the need for regular liaison between all those involved in assessing client's needs and the adequate provision of technical advice to occupational therapists and social workers. These recommendations, like the others in the Report, are matters for local authorities to act upon as they consider necessary.