Public Sector Borrowing Requirement Mr. John Moore asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer (1) if he will publish in theOfficial Reporta table showing for each year since 1970 and giving estimated figures when final figures are not yet available (a) the projected public sector borrowing requirement per capita, (b) the actual public sector borrowing requirement per capita and (c) the difference between the projected and actual public sector borrowing requirement per capita:(2) if he will publish in the Official Reporta table showing for each year since 1970 and giving estimated figures when final figures are not yet available ( a) the projected public sector borrowing requirement, ( b) the actual public sector borrowing requirement and ( c) the difference between the projected and actual public sector borrowing requirement; (3) if he will publish in the Official Reportand giving estimated figures when final figures are not yet available, a table in terms of 1977 prices for each year since 1970 ( a) the projected public sector borrowing requirement, ( b) the actual public sector borrowing requirement and ( c) the difference between the projected and actual public sector borrowing requirement ; (4) if he will publish in the Official Reportand giving estimated figures when final figures are not yet available in terms of 1977 prices for each year since 1970 ( a) the projected public sector borrowing requirement per capita, ( b) the actual public sector borrowing requirement per capita and ( c) the difference between the projected and actual public sector borrowing requirement per capita. Mr. Joel Barnett I refer the hon. Member to successive Financial Statements and Budget Reports for estimates of the projected public sector borrowing requirement at current prices. Estimates of the actual public sector borrowing requirement at current prices are published in table 2.5 of Financial Statistics. An estimate at 1977 prices may be obtained using the deflator for gross domestic product at market prices. This deflator shown below is on a 1975 basis scaled to 1977=100.The ratios and differences requested can be obtained from the above information together with the population esti- mates given in answer to an earlier Question today from the hon. Member.------ |1970| ------ |1971| ------ |1972| ------ |1973| ------ |1974| ------ |1975| ------ |1976| ------ |1977| ------