Oil Imports 11. Mr. WATT asked the Minister of Munitions whether the Director of Petroleum Munitions Supplies has set up a Committee to deal with the import of oil into this country; whether this Committee has on it two representatives of large American oil producers and has only one Scotsman representing the oil trade of that country; whether this Committee has arranged for an allotted space for oil imports in the vessels arriving in this country; that this allotted space is systematically given to the larger importers of oil, namely, those who in 1915 imported 100 barrels and upwards per month; that these large importers are practically the Committee themselves and their immediate friends, resulting: in the allotted space being given to fifty importers while 350 are entirely excluded, not being allowed any space at all; and whether he will see that a fair method is adopted whereby all importers will he, treated proportionately? Mr. KELLAWAY The Committee referred to was set up in March, 1916, by the then Minister of Munitions, and has satisfactorily discharged the task committed to it. The Committee consists of eleven members, who were chosen at a general meeting of the whole of the lubricating oil importers of the country. The Ministry had nothing to do with the selection of the members. The suggestion that the importation of lubricating oils is practically confined to the members of the Committee and their immediate friends is without foundation. It was decided on the 12th instant to hold a meeting next month, when the constitution of the Committee will be open to discussion.