National Health Service Tribunal 8. Mr. Boyden asked the Minister of Health which of the recommendations of the Franks Committee relating to the National Health Service Tribunal he intends to implement. Mr. Powell Effect was given to general recommendations affecting the Tribunal by the Tribunals and Inquiries Act, 1958. Of the specific recommendations, the Government's decision not to accept No. 56 was announced on 12th November, 1957, and I have invited the views of the Council on Tribunals on No. 57. Mr. Boyden Does the Minister agree that the basic principle that justice should not only be done but should be seen to be done applies in this case? Would not it be fairer, and in the public interest, if appeals were transferred from the Ministry to a tribunal and the hearings made public? Mr. Powell I am ready to receive and consider the Council's views on this, for which I have asked.