Fishing Mr. Austin Mitchell asked the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food what are his estimates for the most recent available years of the catch and species taken by (a) Norway and (b) Faroes within the British 200-mile fishing limit and of the return catches and species taken by Great Britain in their waters. Mr. Buchanan-Smith United Kingdom vessels took the following quantities of fish in Norwegian and Faroese waters in 1978 and 1979 under reciprocal agreements negotiated by the European Community: Figures for Norwegian and Faroese catches within the United Kingdom 200-mile fishing limits are not available. However, during the same period the following ------------------ | | ------------------ |Cod | ------------------ |Haddock | ------------------ |Saithe | ------------------ |Whiting | ------------------ |Mackerel | ------------------ |Sprat | ------------------ |Norwegian Pout | ------------------ |Sandeel | ------------------ |Blue Whiting | ------------------ |Blue ling/ling | ------------------ |Tusk | ------------------ |Dogfish | ------------------ |Herring | ------------------ |Greenland shrimp| ------------------ |Horse Mackerel | ------------------ |Others | ------------------