Eec (British Membership) Mr. Hicks asked the Secretary of State for Industry if he will publish the categories of persons, organisations and institutions located within the South-West assisted areas that have received financial benefits as a result of United Kingdom membership of the EEC; and if he will give details of the amount each category has received and list the projects and their respective locations. Mr. Gregor Mackenzie As a result of United Kingdom membership of the EEC, finance for industry is available from the European Investment Bank, ECSC and FEOGA. No loans or grants have been made by the EIB or ECSC to firms in the South-West assisted areas; information on assistance from FEOGA is not available on a regional basis. Mr. George Gardiner asked the Secretary of State for Industry whether it is the Government's assessment that the million, calculated at January 1975 economic conditions, includes additions of about £50 million due to general inflation in Britain and France, and £15 million due to changes in exchange rates.The new figure is divided as follows between actual past expenditure and estimated future expenditure:long-term prospects for British industry are now greater within the EEC or outside it. Mr. Gregor Mackenzie In the Government's view the scope for British industry is greater within the Community. But whether we are in or outside what will determine industry's success is industry's own efforts.