Defence Procurement Mr. Gordon Brown asked the Prime Minister whether, in the coming year, any official of the defence procurement section will be involved in vetting or awarding contracts in which United Scientific Holdings and related companies have an interest. The Prime Minister Any bids received in the coming year from United Scientific Holdings and its subsidiary companies for Ministry of Defence contracts would be vetted and examined by officials of the procurement executive in the normal way, but, as I have already made clear, Mr. Peter Levene would not be involved. Mr. Gordon Brown asked the Prime Minister what steps are being taken to avoid any potential conflict of interest for the new Chief of Defence Procurement in vetting and awarding tenders to United Scientific Holdings and other related companies after April 1986. The Prime Minister Mr. Levene has resigned his directorships in United Scientific Holdings and all of its subsidiaries. He has disposed of his own and his immediate family's shareholdings in United Scientific Holdings. Mr. Gordon Brown asked the Prime Minister what steps are being taken to avoid any potential conflict of interest for the new Chief of Defence Procurement in vetting and awarding tenders to members of the Defence Manufacturers Association. The Prime Minister Mr. Levene has resigned his directorships in United Scientific Holdings and all its subsidiaries. He has no formal connection with them or any other defence contractor whatsoever. He holds no shares in any Ministry of Defence contractor in the United Kingdom or overseas.