Testing Ms Estelle Morris To ask the Secretary of State for Education, pursuant to his answer of 10 May, c. 323, on spending on testing, if he will break down the figure given between (a) advertising and (b) production of leaflets; how many leaflets were produced; how many parents have to date asked for a copy of the leaflet; how many extra copies of the leaflet have been ordered to date; and at what cost. Mr. Forth The cost of advertising the leaflet "How is Your Child Doing at School?" is estimated at £415,000. Three million copies are being produced at an estimated cost of £148,000. A total of 981,000 copies of the leaflet were initially distributed to schools, libraries and LEAs at an estimated cost of £84,000. The number of requests for additional copies is still being compiled. A handout giving details about requesting copies of the leaflet will be available to people claiming child benefit at main post offices during the week beginning 31 May.