Danish Trade—Copenhagen Port MR. BELLAIRS (Lynn Regis) To ask the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been drawn to the Foreign Office Report on the trade of Denmark in 1906 and the opinion there expressed, on page 17, of how the establishment of the free port of Copenhagen twelve years ago has made it the central emporium of the Baltic trade and led to the founding of many new steamship lines; whether he can state the names of all the free ports on the Continent of Europe; and whether the information concerning their working has been collected in any one volume to which the public has access. (Answered by Mr. Lloyd-George.) A Return giving the names of all the free ports on the Continent of Europe and certain particulars with regard to each port, based upon Reports obtained through the Foreign Office from His Majesty's Consuls, was ordered by the House of Commons and issued in the session of 1904 (Continental Free Ports, No. 344, of session 1904).