Nhs Trusts 13. Mr. Bidwell To ask the Secretary of State for Health what information he has of the financial difficulties being experienced by trust hospitals. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley All the NHS trusts submit details of their financial performance to the NHS management executive on a quarterly or monthly basis. The returns received to date indicate that all trusts are planning to meet their financial duties this year. Mr. Hinchliffe To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list his estimate of the start-up cost for each of the first and second wave hospital trusts; and which budget has met this cost in each instance. Mr. Dorrell A sum of £190,000 was allocated for each trust in the first wave and £15,000 towards conveyancing costs. A similar figure will be allocated to the second wave of trusts. This is a top-sliced budget to support expenses arising from the reforms and is a non-recurring revenue addition paid to regions to help cover expenditure incurred by trusts during their shadow running period. Ms. Harman To ask the Secretary of State for Health how many trust boards are without female representation; and if he will list them. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley None. Ms. Harman To ask the Secretary of State for Health if he will list the female trust chief executives and the trusts they manage. Mrs. Virginia Bottomley The appointment of the chief executive and other executive directors is a matter for the NHS trust board. The hon. Member may wish to contact the individual NHS trust boards for this information.