Part Ii (Complaints) 8. Mrs. WINTRINGHAM asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has received a request from the artificial flower manufacturers of Great Britain for the imposing of a duty, under the Safeguarding of Industries Act, upon imported artificial flowers; and, if so, can he state if any decision has been arrived at? 9. Mr. RAFFAN asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he has received an application, under Part II of the Safeguarding of Industries Act, for the imposition of a duty on imported picture-frame moulding; if so, on what date it was received; and whether any decision has been arrived at in the matter? Mr. BALDWIN I have already stated in reply to similar questions that I think it undesirable to give information regarding the nature or scope of any particular complaint unless it is referred to a Committee. Mr. KILEY Does not the right hon. Gentleman realise that as soon as an announcement is made that this matter is being reviewed by his Department, there is an enormous increase in the import of the article, pending a decision? Mr. BALDWIN Surely that is what my hon. Friend desires. Mr. KILEY No, it is not.