Mr Gladstone And The Welsh Disestablishment Bill On the Motion, "That the House do now adjourn," MR. C. J. DARLING (Deptford) said, that he desired to ask the Government a question in regard to the Bill that had been under consideration on that and many previous days. At this time Mr. M'Arthur was the sole occupant of the Treasury Bench, but Mr. T. Ellis, Mr. Burt, and Mr. Robertson shortly afterwards returned to the House and took their seats on that Bench. MR. DARLING proceeded to ask whether it was the intention of the Government to proceed immediately, from day to day, with the Welsh Disestablishment Bill, having regard to that fact that one of their most influential supporters—to use a mild word concerning him; he would rather say their creator—had intimated that that Bill had not his assent, and that he had taken steps to remove that passive support which he had been accustomed of late to give to Her Majesty's Government. He referred to the right hon. Gentleman the Member for Midlothian. The Government came into office upon the programme of that right hon. Gentleman. Hon. Members now learnt that the Government were proceeding with a Bill which the right hon. Gentleman did not fully support, and he gathered from one of the more influential organs of the Government—he meant the Star—that it was the intention of the right hon. Gentleman to come down to the House and to give hon. and right hon. Members his view upon this measure, of which they now knew this much, that the right hon. Gentleman did not wholly approve of it and that he would not take the course which he had hitherto taken to give it his support. Would not the Government be acting more in accordance with the principles of good government and more respectfully to that House if they were to give the House some rélache from the proceedings of the Disestablishment Bill, taking up in the meantime some other Bill, the Local Veto Bill for example. The country expected that some issue should be come to shortly. The Government, apparently, could not depend even upon their most regular supporters. By postponing the Disestablishment Bill for a time the Government would obtain opportunities for doing some real practical business. [Cries of "Divide!"] That, surely, would be better than continuing to perform the operation which they sometimes described as "ploughing the sands," and sometimes as "filling up the cup." [Cries of "Divide!"] MR. J. H. DALZIEL (Kirkcaldy, Burghs) asked whether it was in order for an hon. Member to raise the question of the whole policy of the Government on a Motion for the adjournment of the House. Was it in order to raise such a large question in connection with the action of an individual Member of the House? *MR. SPEAKER said that, although the hon. and learned Member was perhaps discursive, he could not say that he was out of order. MR. DARLING remarked that he should say nothing further, as he wished to leave time for a reply on behalf of the the Government before the hour for adjournment. No Member of the Government rose to reply to the hon. and learned Member, and The House adjourned at Ten Minutes before Six o'clock.