Naturalisation Mr. Parry asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department (1) what is the average waiting time taken to complete an application for naturalisation; and whether he proposes to speed up the process;(2) what is the average waiting time for applicants for registration for citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies at the most recent date; and whether he proposes to speed up the process. Mr. Raison The current average waiting times are 2 years 4 months for the registration at discretion of Commonwealth citizens settled here since 1 January 1973, 10 months for other registrations—mainly entitlements—and two years for applicants for naturalisation.We are taking steps designed to reduce somewhat these waiting times. These include measures taken as a result of the recommendations of the scrutiny in 1980, under the guidance of Sir Derek Rayner, into the handling of applications for citizenship of the United Kingdom and Colonies and, recently, the provision of some additional staff for the division concerned.