Holiday Guides (Paper) 36. Mr. C. S. Taylor asked the President of the Board of Trade whether he is aware that many seaside resorts are having difficulty in obtaining paper for the production of their annual holiday guides; and what steps he is taking to ensure sufficient supplies for this purpose. Mr. H. Wilson I am aware of these difficulties, but there is a general shortage of paper and, in the case of certain varieties, it is acute. In order to ensure that the most essential uses are met, we have arranged, as I stated during the debate on paper and boards on 24th November last, for the paper trade to operate a system of voluntary priorities. I am unable, however, to give any assurances that supplies of paper, particularly of the better qualities, can at present be made available for the production of holiday guides for home circulation. Mr. Taylor Is this not rather unfortunate during the Festival year? Can the right hon. Gentleman say how long gas and electricity undertakings are to be allowed paper for advertising services that they cannot fulfil? Mr. Wilson It is unfortunate that there is not more paper, but, as the hon. Member is aware, the supply of paper in this country now is considerably greater than it was pre-war, but the need for it has increased. Mr. Bossom Can the Minister supply enough paper to provide targets for the National Small Bore Rifle Association, as they have not any now? Mr. Speaker This Question has to do with annual holiday guides.