Jockey Club And Joint Racing Board Mr. Neil Kinnock asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what contributions were made by the Horserace Betting Levy Board to the Jockey Club and the Turf Board towards the administrative costs of those bodies between 1961 and the date on which the Joint Racing Board was established; and what grants have subsequently been made towards the administrative costs of the Jockey Club and the Joint Racing Board, separate detailed figures being given under each heading. Dr. Summerskill The information is as follows:(Mr. Cryer) on 26th June.-[Vol. 894. c. 229.] Mr. Fairbairn asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department what is the pay after the recent award of a police constable of 10 years' service. Dr. Summerskill With effect from 1st September 1975, £3,150 a year. Constables in London receive an additional £275 a year.