Oral Answers Toquestions Foreign Andcommonwealth Affairs Middle East 1. Mr. Churchill asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what recent steps the Government have taken to secure an abatement of the Middle East arms race ; and if he will make a statement on the Government's own policy on sales of armaments to States regarding themselves to be in a state of belligerence. The Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr. David Ennals) We believe that the best way to secure an abatement of the arms race in the Middle East is by rapid progress towards a peaceful settlement, and we are accordingly giving our full support to Dr. Kissinger's negotiations. We are willing to consider requests from Middle East countries for arms the supply of which in our view would not endanger the achievement of a just and lasting settlement. Mr. Churchill Bearing in mind that, thanks to Soviet munificence, Syria alone today disposes of very nearly twice as many modern fighter aircraft and over twice as many tanks as does Great Britain, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he is aware that it is difficult to imagine that peace can long survive this volume of arms flow? Is it not high time that the West sought actively to engage the Soviet Union in the quest for Middle East peace and put the good faith of the Soviet Union to the test by seeking to make the Middle East the proving ground of détente? Mr. Ennals My right hon. Friend is very much aware of the dangers of the arms build-up in the Middle East as well as the conflict which exists there. Certainly, in supporting Dr. Kissinger's initiative we also support his anxiety to get the Soviet Union involved and to ensure that there is consultation between the two Governments concerned. Dr. M. S. Miller Will my right hon. Friend confirm that Resolution 242, which, in the words of the Prime Minister, should be taken as the framework for a settlement in the Middle East, remains 'the policy of the present Government? Mr. Ennals I certainly confirm that we are committed to Security Council Resolution 242, which, as my hon. Friend knows, sets out the two principles of Israeli withdrawal and Arab acceptance of Israel within secure and recognised boundaries. We also recognise that any settlement in the Middle East must also satisfy Palestinian demands for a recognition of their legitimate political rights as well as the rights of the refugees referred to in Resolution 242. Mr. Walters Will the right hon. Gentleman accept that the overwhelming supply of arms to the Middle East comes from the United States and the Soviet Union and that, therefore, any great reduction by Britain would have no influence at all on events except to damage British industry? Mr. Ennals It is certainly true, as the hon. Gentleman says, that the great bulk of weapons in the Middle East come from the United States and the Soviet Union. In replying to a Question on another occasion I made it clear that unilateral action by Her Majesty's Government would make little difference to the conflict, but we are watching very carefully the arms which are supplied to a very tense area. Mr. Robin F. Cook Has my right hon. Friend offered any comment to the American and Russian Governments on the supply of Lance missiles to the Israeli Government and Scud missiles to the Egyptian Government, both of which are manufactured primarily to carry nuclear warheads? Mr. Ennals It is not the custom, and I am not prepared, to make comments on particular proposals. Gulf States 2. Mr. Luce asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will report on the Minister of State's recent visit to the Gulf. Mr. Ennals I visited Oman, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain and Kuwait from 4th to 18th February. My aim was to see for myself the great developments which are taking place in that region. I had wide-ranging talks with the Heads of State and with senior Ministers in each country. Mr. Luce In view of the strong and historical ties between Great Britain and the Gulf States, may I welcome the fact that the Minister of State undertook to visit that area? Will he say a little more about his achievements during his visit? Did he, for example, encourage the Arab States to invest some of their surplus funds in productive rather than unproductive sectors in Great Britain? Mr. Ennals The answer to the last part of that supplementary question is "Yes ". I did that. I discussed a wide range of issues, of which questions of investment. including investment in productive industry in Great Britain, were an important part. We also discussed other economic questions and commercial relations. There is a tremendous opportunity for an even greater expansion of British commerce and sale of technology in the area. These matters played an important part in our discussions, in addition to political questions. Mr. Litterick In view of the recent deaths of British soldiers in this area, will my right hon. Friend give an assurance that the British Government will cease to give military support to what one can only describe as a dirty little réegime and a dirty little war in that area? Mr. Ennals I cannot give an assurance in anything like the way in which my hon. Friend refers to it. I greatly regret— I am sure the House will share this expression of sympathy— the loss of lives in a recent helicopter accident in Oman. In Oman I was very impressed with the tremendous changes which have taken place in the last three or four years and the rapid economic and social advance. I cannot call it a dirty little State at all. Mr. Aitken During his visit to the United Arab Emirates did the Minister of State become aware of the very real economic problems that that country is facing as a result of the massive cutbacks in oil production by the two predominantly British oil consortia? Was he able to reassure the UAE Government that these cut-backs are in no way a political conspiracy, as has been suggested, but are due entirely to commercial factors? Mr. Ennals I had discussions on precisely this question and I assured the Petroleum Minister of the UAE that one principal reason for the substantial cutback was precisely the price levels for oil in the UAE, and I said it would be helpful if there were a reduction. Happily, subsequently to that the UAE announced a reduction in the sulphur premium. Diplomatic Service 3. Mr. Dalyell asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he has any conveniently available figures showing how many members of the Diplomatic Service were born in Scotland. Mr. Ennals In selecting members of the Diplomatic Service we are not influenced by where they were born, provided that they meet the usual nationality requirements. Figures showing their place of birth are not, I am afraid, readily available. Mr. Dalyell Although the Scottish National Party is absent from foreign affairs Questions, may we be told what the effect would be of their talk of a separate Scottish diplomatic service? Mr. Ennals I think that such talk is sheer nonsense, and of course the consequence of such a move would be greatly to diminish the influence of Scots within the Diplomatic Corps. It is interesting to note that the proportion of recent recruits to the Diplomatic Service born in Scotland is about equal to Scotland's share of United Kingdom population, and the same applies to graduate entrants from Scottish universities over the past five years. If my hon. Friend looks at the Diplomatic List he will see that there are 10 pages of names beginning with "Mac ", and I think that even the Scottish Nationalists would be unhappy to see all those valuable Scots withdrawn from the Diplomatic Service. China 4. Mr. Adley asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps he is taking to maintain and improve relations between Her Majesty's Government and the Government of the People's Republic of China. The Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr. James Callaghan) Her Majesty's Government attach the highest importance to maintaining and improving our relations with China. The Chinese Government have welcomed a proposal that I should go there next year and my right hon. Friend the Under-Secretary of State for Trade will do so this month. We have made it clear that China's leaders will be welcome here and the Ministers for Foreign Trade and Public Health have accepted invitations in principle. Mr. Adley I thank the Foreign Secretary for that encouraging answer, which helps to dispel some of the unfortunate Press reports which have been circulating recently. Does he agree, however. that our relations with China are inevitably determined, in part, by the emphasis which the Chinese Government feel we put on our relations with the USSR? Will the Foreign Secretary ensure that he does not lose sight of the fact that almost the entire defence budget of the United Kingdom is now devoted towards NATO, against an ostensible threat of attack from the USSR? Wil he bear in mind our relations with the USSR when considering our relations with China? Mr. Callaghan I do not think that the fact that we are improving our rela- tions with the USSR should adversely affect our relations with China. That would be a foolish way for us to conduct our foreign affairs. Our trade, cultural exchanges and other relationships in connection with air matters with China are proceeding very satisfactorily, and it will be my endeavour to push them. Mr. Flannery Does my right hon. Friend agree that our improved relationships with both China and the USSR can only advance the cause of people throughout the world? This applies particularly on the question of trade. At a time of economic stringency, should not every possible effort be made to deepen and intensify our trade with both those great countries? Mr. Callaghan I hope that on the question of aircraft sales with China, for example, the preliminary purchasing order for Concordes will certainly go ahead. We have also discussed the VC10 with the Chinese, although so far there is not very much interest in it. There are other matters in which our trade relations are improving and recent British missions to China have included groups interested in electrical, postal and telecommunications equipment. The Chinese have likewise sent here groups interested in other matters. Mr. Eldon Griffiths I very much welcome the prospect of the visit to China by both the Under-Secretary for Trade and the right hon. Gentleman. May I particularly urge them to press the case for British aircraft sales in that very large country, and, in particular, will the Foreign Secretary be willing to encourage joint venture manufacturing of aircraft with the Chinese in the People's Republic? Mr. Callaghan I can certainly give an undertaking in response to the first part of the supplementary question. I do not feel technically competent to reply to the second part. Perhaps the hon. Member will put down a Question to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Trade. South Africa (British Citizenship) 5. Mr. Leslie Huckfield asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs how many inquiries about acquiring British citizenship were made at the offices of his Department in the Republic of South Africa in each of the years 1972, 1973 and 1974. The Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs (Mr. Roy Hattersley) I am circulating in the Official Report details of the recorded figures for written inquiries. No records are maintained of the numbers of casual oral inquiries received. Mr. Huckfield Will my right hon. Friend bear in mind that South African residents were given a very long time to choose whether they wanted to assume British nationality when South Africa left the Commonwealth? Will he ask his departmental staff in South Africa to undertake an investigation into the number of South Africans who are ultimately admitted into this country as visiting aliens, then get jobs, and then become British citizens? If black South Africans, Indians or Pakistanis tried to do it, they would very soon be found out. Mr. Hattersley I understand and take note of my hon. Friend's point. These applications must be considered on their individual merits, and we must continue to do that. ------ |1972| ------ |1973| ------ |1974| ------ Gibraltar 6. Mr. Brotherton asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what plans he has to visit Gibraltar. Mr. Hattersley My right hon. Friend has no plans to do so at present. Mr. Brotherton I understand that the right hon. Gentleman's travel schedule is very full, but will the Minister of State assure the House that there is no wavering in the support of Her Majesty's Government for the people of Gibraltar? What progress, if any, is being made in negotiations with the Spanish Government about both the constitutional position of Gibraltar and the reopening of the land frontier with Spain? Mr. Hattersley Our views on all these matters have not changed. We established what I hope is a definitive statement of attitude on Gibraltar in the preamble to the 1969 Constitution Order, a statement established by the Labour Government at the time, endorsed by the Government which followed it, and maintained since then by us. That has been our policy since 1969 and it will continue to be so. Mr. Greville Janner Does that mean that there can be no question of any change in the status of Gibraltar without the consent of the people of Gibraltar? Mr. Hattersley It means exactly what it says, which is that Her Majesty's Government will never enter into arrangements under which the people of Gibraltar would pass under the sovereignty of another State against their freely and democratically expressed wishes. United Nations Resolution (Compensation For Expropriation) 7. Mr. Blaker asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether the amendment on the question of compensation for expropriation introduced in the Second Committee of the United Nations General Assembly on 3rd December 1974 and co-sponsored by the United Kingdom still represents the position of Her Majesty's Government. Mr. Ennals Yes, Sir. Mr. Blaker May we assume that that applies to North Sea oil licences? Mr. Ennals Terms for Government participation are being negotiated with the companies concerned with North Sea oil, and we intend to proceed with that by agreement. Iran 8. Mr. Sproat asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the relations between the United Kingdom and Iran. Mr. Ennals Our relations with this rapidly developing country are close and friendly, and are expanding considerably in all fields. We are allied to Iran in the Central Treaty Organisation. Mr. Sproat The considerable increase in the export trade over the past year has been very gratifying, but is the Minister satisfied that his Department is doing everything it can to see that we get a proper share of this growing market. particularly since both the Americans and the French have recently signed very much larger commercial agreements? What plans has the Foreign Secretary for visiting Teheran in the near future? Will the Minister make a comment on the recent agreement between Iran and Iraq? Mr. Ennals Responsibility for trade is basically a matter for the Secretary of State for Trade, although we co-operate very closely. When he was in Iran earlier in the year for meetings of the Joint Ministerial Economic Commission my right hon. Friend announced agreements involving future business for Britain worth about £500 million. That was a substantial amount. The figures for January this year— the last month for which figures are available— show that United Kingdom exports to Iran are at more than twice the level of just 12 months ago. As for future visits, my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Exchequer is certainly planning to visit Iran in April to attend a finance conference. Mr. Luard Does my right hon. Friend agree that although it is gratifying that we have improved economic and other relations with this important country, grave charges have been made in recent times about the observance of human rights in Iran? If it is the case that we have a much better relationship with Iran, will my right hon. Friend take the opportunity on some appropriate occasion of expressing the concern of many people in this country about the protection of rights in Iran? Mr. Ennals I have seen a report recently, which I think was published in the Sunday Times. I cannot vouch for the accuracy of that report. We are not in a position to intercede on behalf of individuals, although there is no doubt that the Government of Iran and other Governments will know the attitude of Her Majesty's Government on the question of torture. We were active on this issue in promoting a resolution which went through the General Assembly at its last session. Mr. Tugendhat In view of the good relations which the Minister says that this country so happily has with Iran, to what effect will he put those good relations in improving Iran's relations with Iraq and easing the suffering of the Kurds in the light of the way that the war seems to be moving with the great increase in the number of refugees and the human suffering? What will he be doing in a humanitarian respect as regards that problem? Mr. Ennals It is difficult to know precisely what will be the consequences of the agreement which has been reached between Iraq and Iran. Her Majesty's Government welcome that agreement. I think that it is likely to improve relations in a number of spheres in that area. It is not for me to prophesy what its effect will be on the Kurds. Uganda (British Assets) 9. Mr. Lane asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what action he has taken to get transferred to the United Kingdom the assets in Uganda of the United Kingdom passport holders expelled in 1972. 24. Mr. Townsend asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the latest position regarding the provision of compensation for British properties expropriated in Uganda. Mr. Hattersley We have continued to press the Ugandan Government for compensation for British-owned assets which have been expropriated. President Amin has very recently said that Uganda is now prepared to discuss with us compensation for British Asians. We welcome this statement and have offered to send a delegation to Kampala for the purpose. Mr. Lane That is encouraging, but is it not outrageous that two and a half years after their expulsion thousands of these refugees are still struggling to make a new life in this country without the help of a penny of their assets in Uganda? Will the Government intensify their efforts and put every possible pressure on the Ugandan Government in these talks until a satisfactory solution is reached? Mr. Hattersley I accept the hon. Gentleman's judgment about the nature of the Ugandan Government's decision. I promise him that we shall continue to do all that we can to bring this matter to a speedy and happy solution, particularly on behalf of those people who came to Britain in virtual destitution, some of whom I am privileged to represent in my constituency. Dr. M. S. Miller Does my right hon. Friend have any plans to invite General Amin over here to discuss these matters with him and to confirm any new decorations which the General has conferred upon himself? Mr. Hattersley The Government have no plans to invite General Amin, nor, as I understand it, has General Amin any plans to invite himself. Mr. Townsend Will the Minister make it perfectly clear that in terms of compensation the Government will tolerate no discrimination between Asians and whites expelled from Uganda? Is it likely that the Ugandan Government will be in a position to pay the considerable sums of compensation which are now being talked about? Mr. Hattersley On the first part of the hon. Gentleman's question, the answer is a clear and obvious "Yes ". On the second part, President Amin has said on many occasions that his Government can pay the compensation when adequate terms are arrived at. I hope that his judgment on the economic viability of his nation is right. We shall continue to negotiate on the basis that they are able to pay when they are wining to do so. Nuclear Weapons (Non-Proliferation) 10. Mr. Frank Allaun asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what steps he is now considering in connection with preventing the spread of nuclear weapons to more countries ; and if he will make a statement on the effect of his Moscow consultations on this question. 18. Mr. Robin F. Cook asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on what preparations he is making for the forthcoming review conference on the non-proliferation treaty. 29. Miss Richardson asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what preparations he is making for the forthcoming review conference on the non-proliferation treaty ; and if he will make a statement. Mr. Ennals We are examining in depth the various ways in which the treaty might be implemented more effectively. As my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister told the House on 18th February, we hope that the Anglo-Soviet joint declaration on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons will give a constructive lead to the review conference. Mr. Allaun Whilst supporting those proposals, will Britain give a lead and set an example by ending further nuclear tests and seeking the removal of the United States' Polaris bases from Britain? Mr. Ennals The Government's position on this matter has been made clear. We want a multilateral nuclear disarmament as part of a general disarmament. We look forward to the total abolition of nuclear weapons. We are not in favour of taking unilateral action. As regards Polaris, we shall maintain its effectiveness. There is no conflict between that and the Non-Proliferation Treaty. We have no intention of moving into a new generation of strategic nuclear weapons. Mr. Rifkind Is the Minister satisfied that the Soviet Union's concern to prevent the spread of nuclear weapons is as sincere as Britain's concern? Will he give the House an indication of the steps that the Soviet Union is taking to ensure that we move towards a system of general multilateral disarmament? Mr. Ennals This issue was fully discussed by my right hon. Friends the Prime Minister and the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs on their visit to Moscow. One of the most important declarations that came out of that visit was the declaration on this matter. We hope that it will lead to fruitful discussions between now and the NPT Conference. I have no reason to question the integrity of either of those who signed the agreement. Mr. Cook Does my right hon. Friend agree that the major weakness of the NPT is that there are no safeguards against the nuclear supply to non-parties? Does it not defeat the whole object of the treaty if countries which have not renounced nuclear weapons have freer access to nuclear technology and materials than those countries which have renounced them? Is it not absurd that America can supply Egypt and Israel with nuclear reactors which are not subject to the safeguards contained in the NPT? Mr. Ennals We believe that constraints on the spread of nuclear weapons would be enhanced if all nuclear supplying countries were to require safeguards on the export of nuclear materials and all equipment to non-nuclear States as stringent as those designed by the International Atomic Energy Agency. We have made many proposals with the International Atomic Energy Agency, designed to promote discussions. I hope that those discussions will lead to a greater effectiveness. Mr. Churchill What representations did the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs and the Prime Minister make to their Soviet hosts on Britain's concern at the Soviet Union's continuing escalation of the nuclear arms race and the fact that it is currently producing 5,000 tanks a year, approximately 10 times as many as the United States— all under the cloak of détente? Mr. Ennals I think that the House will know from statements that have been made on the discussions that my right hon. Friends had on nuclear weapons, on MBFR and on the European Security Conference, that every attempt is being made that can be made by agreement to reduce the level of armaments. Miss Richardson Does my right hon. Friend not agree that this country has not fulfilled its obligations under Article 6 of the non-proliferation treaty, and that it would be better to go to the review conference in May with some kind of commitment? Mr. Ennals I do not accept that we have not fulfilled our obligations. I think that we shall go before the review conference having been extremely active in this field, and strengthened by the deliberations that took place in Moscow. There is still some time before the review conference starts, but we shall certainly go into it in a positive mood. Mr. Amery The Minister, if I heard him aright, made a surprising unqualified statement. He appeared to me to say that the Government have no intention of moving to another generation of nuclear weapons irrespective of whether or not there is multilateral nuclear disarmament. Did I understand him aright? If so, is not this a new statement of policy with very dangerous implications? Mr. Ennals I did not make any new statement of policy this afternoon. Portugal 11. Mr. Farr asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on his official visit to Portugal. Mr. James Callaghan I would refer the hon. Gentleman to my replies to the hon. Members for Moray and Nairn (Mrs. Ewing) and Epping Forest (Mr. Biggs-Davison) on 17th and 19th February respectively.— [Vol. 886, c. 309 and c. 1319.] Mr. Farr I am grateful to the right hon. Gentleman for what he said. In view of the serious events of the last two days, will he say whether any British lives or property have been affected by the recent outbreak of fighting? In the attempt to secure democratic elections in Portugal, was the advice of the Council of Europe sought? That, I understood was the right hon. Gentleman's objective a few weeks ago in advising the Portuguese interim Government on how a democratic election should be held. Mr. Callaghan In reply to the first part of the supplementary question, although information is not complete, I have no reports that any British subjects have been injured or even directly endangered as a result of what has happened. As to the Council of Europe's role, I am not up to date with that, but, if I may venture an opinion without intruding on Portuguese internal affairs, in view of my recent visit, I would utter the obvious remark that violence has no part in the proper democratic process. In view of my detailed discussions with some of the leaders of the Armed Forces movement who have such great influence in the country, I hope that they will use that influence to hold the ring, so that the democratic parties may conduct without interference the election which is due to take place on 12th April. Mr. Newens Did my right hon. Friend make clear that in no circumstances would the British Government be prepared to approve intervention by the American CIA to subvert and destabilise any progressive democratic regime in Portugal, as the CIA has done in Chile and numerous other countries? Will he also make that clear to Mr. Henry Kissinger, whose association with what happened in Chile is well known? Mr. Callaghan I do not think that there is much point in extending what happened in one country to what might happen in another without any evidence. I know that allegations have been made, but I am not aware of any evidence in that direction. My understanding of American policy is that it would not be directed to the ends suggested by my hon. Friend. Mr. Maudling Is the Foreign Secretary aware that there is great concern on the Opposition benches— I am sure he shares that concern— about the present situation in Portugal and the threats of violence to democratic movements and parties? Is he also aware that any contribution which he, as Foreign and Commonwealth Secretary, can properly make towards solving or helping to solve this problem will have the support of the entire House? Mr. Callaghan Yes, Sir. I am in touch with Dr. Mario Soares, the Foreign Minister of Portugal, and, although every country must conduct its own affairs, he knows that he has the support of the British Government in endeavouring to ensure that the elections to be held on 12th April are carried out fully and without fear. Southern Africa 13. Mr. Kinnock asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on developments in Southern Africa since his visit to the Republic of South Africa. Mr. James Callaghan I reported to the House on 14th January on my return from Africa. As regards Rhodesia, I regret to say that the recent detention of the Reverend Sithole has resulted in the discussions that had begun between the ANC and Mr. Smith's representatives being broken off. I am keeping in touch with the various Governments concerned about this and other issues. Mr. Kinnock Does my right hon. Friend accept that the detention of the Reverend Sithole demonstrates either the superficiality or the ineffectuality of South African pressure on the Rhodesian régime, and that neither of these apartheid régimes understands the language of diplomacy? Should not my right hon. Friend be speaking to them in harsher tones if he expects them to come into accord with the rest of the democratic world? Mr. Callaghan There is contact between all the Governments of Southern Africa with each other and with the United Kingdom Government, and I am satisfied that there is a common view that the Reverend Sithole, having been detained, should be brought to trial. Indeed, the South African Government said that there should be an open trial in this case. We support that view. Mr. Rifkind Will the Foreign Secretary confirm recent reports that South African troops have been withdrawn from the front line in Rhodesia, and will he say to what extent South African troops are still present in Rhodesia? Mr. Callaghan My understanding, from a number of sources, is that South African police have been withdrawn from the frontier and are now concentrated in camps in Rhodesia. They are in a position of self-defence, but they are not going on so-called hunting expeditions, which is what was complained of at the time by African representatives. Mr. loan Evans Does my right hon. Friend agree that if South Africa withdrew support from Rhodesia tomorrow the illegal régime would collapse? Will he bring pressure to bear on South Africa to ensure that the constitutional talks move forward to majority government in Rhodesia at an early stage? Mr. Callaghan I believe that the South African Government are fully aware of the consequences of the intransigence being shown by the Rhodesian régime. They must conduct their own affairs as they think best in this matter, but there is no doubt that Mr. Vorster has a strong desire to secure better relations with his neighbours in Southern Africa, and he knows that this will imply a number of changes in policy. Mr. Tugendhat I agree entirely with what the Foreign Secretary has just said, but does he not agree that the impending independence of Mozambique creates a new situation with regard to Rhodesia's trading position and that Rhodesia will, from the moment of Mozambique's independence, be totally dependent on South Africa for its links with the outside world? Therefore what-evil- Mr. Vorster may do with regard to direct negotiations, the trading position of Rhodesia is something on which he will have to make a decision, and that is a matter which should surely be of concern to the United Kingdom? Mr. Callaghan Yes, Sir. If the hon. Gentleman is right, clearly the conclusions follow. We are not yet aware of the extent to which trading will still be permitted through Mozambique, however. Rhodesia 15. Mr. Gould asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether it is still the policy of Her Majesty's Government to promote the international application of sanctions against the illegal Rhodesian régime. Mr. James Callaghan Yes, Sir. Mr. Gould Is my right hon. Friend aware that the Committee of the European Coal and Steel Community recently approved the grant of financial aid to a research project in which the Rhodesian Iron and Steel Corporation would participate? Will he ensure, when this matter is further discussed tomorrow in Brussels by the research project sub-committee, that the British policy of sanctions is properly represented and adhered to? Mr. Callaghan I understand that the International Pig Iron Secretariat has drawn up a revised proposal in which Rhodesia is not involved. I hope that that is true, because I certainly agree with my hon. Friend that there should be no en-encouragement of EEC countries to trade with Rhodesia. At my instigation the European Community set up a committee of experts six months ago to try to block the loopholes. Mr. Marten Which countries in the Common Market are concerned in sanctions-busting in relation to Rhodesia, and what action is being taken against them. apart from the committee which is considering it? Mr. Callaghan The Customs experts of the Nine, again at my suggestion, met at the end of last year to pool their experience, and a number of countries are co-operating effectively in investigating a number of suspected breaches of sanctions. I hope that the hon. Gentleman will not carry his opposition to the EEC to the point of suggesting that it is ineffective for us to use our weight in the EEC to make sanctions effective. That is what we are doing at the moment, and we are doing it much more effectively than we did previously. Mr. Marten At my suggestion. Mr. Callaghan Very good. That is co-operation. New Zealand (Foreign Minister) 16. Mr. Rifkind asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will seek to have a meeting with the New Zealand Foreign Minister. Mr. James Callaghan I recently had the pleasure of meeting Mr. Rowling here in London. Mr. Rifkind Will the Secretary of State confirm the glad tidings which were reported this morning about the future of New Zealand and its relations with the Community? Will he say whether there were any discussions on the position as it affects New Zealand after 1980, or whether it will be subject to review in 1980? Mr. Callaghan It will be subject to review again before 1980. I have no doubt from the nature of the discussions yesterday that satisfactory arrangements will continue to be made. Cyprus 17. Mr. Watkinson asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what further steps he is taking to assist bringing about a peaceful solution to the Turkish/Cypriot situation ; and if he will make a statement. Mr. James Callaghan The situation in Cyprus continues to cause much concern. We are playing an active part in the Security Council's deliberations in New York, which I hope will result in the renewal of the intercommunal talks. A statement on Cyprus was made yesterday by the European Community meeting in Dublin, and last week I had conversations with the American Secretary of State, who is undertaking discussions on Cyprus also during his present Middle East visit. Mr. Watkinson I thank the Foreign Secretary for that reply. I think he will agree that there is a danger of further military engagements so long as the present situation continues. What is the risk to Nicosia Airport at present, and what is the Government's intention in regard to the base at Dhekelia? Mr. Callaghan The assurance of the future of Nicosia Airport is one of the issues which we have pressed Mr. Clerides and Mr. Denktash to undertake. If we can get the intercommunal talks resumed, we have asked them to give the matter a high priority. As regards Dhekelia, our position has been made clear a number of times. It is not part.of the Republic of Cyprus. It is a sovereign base. Mr. Maudling We are glad that there is the prospect of further progress for discussions. However, will the right hon. Gentleman do all he can to help British residents and British wives of Greek Cypriot citizens, who are suffering considerable hardship? Mr. Callaghan I feel that the position of former British residents is extremely unsatisfactory in many ways. We have tried to find a number of openings to pursue, but so far we have not been very successful. I am open to any suggestion from any hon. Member or others as to how we can follow up the matter. New Zealand And Australia 34. Mr. Tinn asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with the Prime Ministers of New Zealand and Australia about Great Britain's future within the EEC. 51. Mr. William Hamilton asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what discussions he has had with the Prime Ministers of New Zealand and Australia about Great Britain's future within the EEC. Mr. James Callaghan During their visits to this country, in December 1974 and February 1975 respectively, the Prime Ministers of Australia and New Zealand were given a full account of our renegotiation aims. Mr. Tinn Does my right hon. Friend feel that the Prime Ministers will share the satisfaction of most of us at the considerable success achieved in the renegotiation of the treaty? Will he comment on the prospects for New Zealand in the 1980s, and may we have some sort of reassurance on that issue? Mr. Callaghan Both Prime Ministers have properly made it clear that the renegotiation of our terms of entry is a matter for the British Government, Parliament and the people of this country. Although there have been references in the Press about their view, I must point out that they have not given me any official indication of their view on these matters. Mr. Adley Shilly-shallying. Mr. Callaghan No— preserving the constitutional position. As regards the situation of New Zealand after 1980, I refer my hon. Friend to my remarks a few moments ago. That matter will come up again for discussion. When he reads the terms of the declaration issued yesterday, he will see that there is the intention that New Zealand, while continuing to diversify her trade, should be able to maintain close links with this country. Mr. Eldon Griffiths In view of Mr. Trudeau's recent remarks, are not the Prime Ministers of the three old Commonwealth nations now unanimous in the view that they would prefer to see Britain remain a full member of the Community? Did the Foreign Secretary give to the Prime Ministers an undertaking that he and the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom will campaign to ensure that a result is achieved which those old Commonwealth countries want to see. Mr. Callaghan The hon. Gentleman can interpret their views as he thinks fit, but it is for them and not for me to give their views on this subject. He will no doubt put on them his own interpretation. As for the second part of the question, they would have regarded it as counterproductive to have made such a request and would not have had any kind of reply. Mr. Evelyn King Am I not right in believing that, internationally, almost the only opposition to our entry comes from Russian and the Communist bloc? Mr. Henderson And Scotland. Mr. Callaghan I do not know about those countries, but I seem to have heard complaints nearer at home. Mr. Fernyhough Does my right hon. Friend agree that exports last year from Britain to the old Commonwealth were higher per head of population? Will he do what he can to see that they remain our best customers? Mr. Callaghan I hope that is true. If so, it would show that, whatever the merits or demerits of the EEC, our membership has not prevented that kind of expansion. Renegotiation 35. Mr. Moate asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the progress of the renegotiations of the terms of United Kingdom membership of the EEC. 42. Mr. Marquand asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the EEC renegotiation objectives outlined in his statement to the Council of Ministers on 1st April 1974 have yet been achieved. 43. Mr. Cryer asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a statement on the renegotiations on the EEC. 45. Mr. Jay asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will make a statement on the summit meeting of EEC member countries in Dublin in March. 46. Mr. Hurd asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if he will make a further progress report on the negotiations which he is conducting on British membership of the EEC. Mr. James Callaghan Outstanding renegotiation matters were discussed at the Council of Ministers meeting on 3rd-4th March and at the Heads of Government meeting in Dublin on 10th-11th March. My right hon. Friend the Prime Minister will be making a statement on the outcome of the Dublin meeting later this afternoon. Mr. Moate In the meantime, may 1 remind the right hon. Gentleman of the passage in Labour's manifesto and the White Paper that the taxes which form the so-called own resources" of the Community are unacceptable to the Government? Will he assist us by measuring the terms in the manifesto against the terms agreed by saying whether the taxes arising from, say, imported foodstuffs into Britain will belong to Britain or to the Common Market? Mr. Callaghan They will belong to the Common Market. Mr. Marquand Is my right hon. Friend aware that perhaps the most important single aspect of the objectives set out in his speech to the Council of Ministers, which were the objectives set out in the Labour Party manifesto, refer to this country's right to plan our internal affairs in a Socialist direction? Will he take this opportunity of scotching the rumour that there is anything whatever in the membership of the Common Market to prevent a Labour Government carrying out the sort of measures included in the Industry Bill which is now before a Standing Committee? Mr. Callaghan I have no intimation at all from the Commission of any difficulties in carrying out the proposals included in the Labour Party's manifesto on the National Enterprise Board or the Bill which is now before the House. Mr. Hurd Will the Foreign Secretary say a little more about the Community's attitude towards regional policies? Does he feel that the Commission, in light of the renegotiation, is striking a reasonable balance between the encouragement of national policies and restraining the auction in regional aids which would be damaging to everybody? Mr. Callaghan Subject to the view of my right hon. Friend the Leader of the House, this matter will be debated. I hope that we shall have a full debate in order to remove a number of misapprehensions which are being spread. Having taken a very active part in the discussions which led up to the issue of the Commission document, I believe that it preserves a proper balance between the right of individual nations to take action to avoid unemployment in development areas and any overbidding which can result from an auction, perhaps, by the better-off nations to secure industries in regions where we would not wish them to go. Mr. Cryer Does my right hon. Friend agree that now the charade of renegotiation is over and we are about to enter a referendum campaign, he should recommend that his civil servants be given paid leave of absence similar to that which has been given to Sir Christopher Soames and Mr. George Thomson, who are now propagandising on behalf of the EEC? Will he assure the House that a reply will be forthcoming fairly soon to the letter written by my hon. Friends and myself on the subject of the relationship between the EEC and the Industry Bill? Mr. Callaghan On the first part of my hon. Friend's supplementary question, I know that we shall see a number of strange bedfellows, but I am surprised that he should associate himself with editorials in the Daily Mail. The answer to the second part of the supplementary question is that I hope that there will be a reply fairly soon. Mr. Henderson Will the Foreign Secretary remind his colleagues that "Scotch" and "Welsh" are words which have a different significance for many of us? I do not know whether there is a word for Ulster. Will he accept that in Scotland there is deep disappointment that he has done nothing to change the common fisheries policy which will apply in 1982? What hope does he hold out for our fishermen to retain control of the right to fish in their own waters, when EEC fleets are allowed to mop them dry, as has happened around their own coasts? Mr. Callaghan On the first part of the hon. Gentleman's supplementary question, I am always careful, if ever I use the word, to put in the letter "c ", mak- ing it "welch "— and I would not dream of using the word "scotch" with a "ch" or an "s ". I only drink it. As regards the fisheries dispute, I have written to the hon. Gentleman's colleague about it, and I shall be glad to discuss it further at any time. Mr. Blaker Will the right hon. Gentleman say what would be the consequences for our trading position if, in spite of what appear to have been successful negotiations, we ever left the Community? Should we not have to embark on a series of fresh negotiations with a large number of countries— not only the EEC and EFTA but the Lomé countries, and others? Might not those negotiations take a considerable time, during which British industry would remain in a state of uncertainty? Mr. Callaghan In answer to a supplementary question I would not wish to embark on the thorny path which the hon. Gentleman has invited me to tread. As I said earlier, clearly it would be a traumatic experience if we had to de-negotiate our way out, having renegotiated our way in. Mr. Jay Will my right hon. Friend confirm that no decisions were taken in Brussels on Commission documents concerning the stocktaking of the common agricultural policy and, therefore, that the renegotiation of the CAP has been omitted from these renegotiations? Mr. Callaghan In answer to the first part of my right hon. Friend's question, Yes, Sir ". In answer to the second part, "No, Sir ". There has been a substantial change in the agricultural policy which most people, except my right hon. Friend, recognise. 36. Mr. Willey asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs if the renegotiation of the terms on which the United Kingdom entered the EEC has now been completed. 38. Mr. Roper asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what matters now remain to be renegotiated with the European Community. 39. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs what issues are still outstanding in the renegotiation of the terms of entry to the EEC. 40. Mr. Marten asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs when he hopes to complete the renegotiations with the EEC. 49. Mr. Tim Renton asked the Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs whether he will make a statement on which matters of importance remain outstanding in the EEC negotiations. Mr. James Callaghan As a result of the meeting of Heads of Government in Dublin which concluded yesterday, my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister and I are satisfied that we have now taken the issues which have been under negotiation since last April as far as possible, and there are no other issues that we intend to raise in advance of the referendum. Mr. Willey Is my right hon. Friend aware that the House will want an early opportunity to congratulate him and his colleagues on their achievement and success? Mr. Callaghan That was so surprising that I could not believe that my right hon. Friend had reached the end of his supplementary question. I am grateful to him. Lord James Douglas-Hamilton Does the right hon. Gentleman accept that if Britain withdraws from the Common Market it will be likely to lead to rising and heavy unemployment in Scotland? Mr. Callaghan These are issues which are better for debate than for answers to supplementary questions. They are all complicated matters, and I am trying to approach them in a manner which will satisfy Britain's interests and not the interests of those who have particular views one way or the other. Mr. Roper May I congratulate my right hon. Friend on reaching agreement yesterday with our partners in Dublin? Is not some tribute also due to our Community partners for showing such a cooperative attitude— especially our Socialist comrades, the Federal German Chancellor and the Prime Ministers of the Netherlands and Denmark, for showing us such solidarity? Mr. Callaghan It seems as though the electioneering season has started rather early. As regards the attitude of our Community partners, there was no doubt that there was a very strong desire on their part to ensure that, so far as they were able, the United Kingdom should remain a part of the Community. There is no doubt that this actuated their replies to the requests that we have made during the past 12 months— and that should weigh with disinterested people when they are making up their minds on this issue. Mr. Marten As one of the objectives of the Government's renegotiation, as set out in the Labour Party manifesto, was to ensure the retention by Parliament of the powers that we need to pursue effective regional, industrial and fiscal policies, and as the power of decision over State aids is subject to the provisions of the treaties of Rome and Paris, if the negotiations have succeeded will those treaties be amended accordingly? Mr. Callaghan No, Sir. I am satisfied that the practice of the British Government in regard to industrial policies and the curing of unemployment will not be jeopardised by the agreements that we have made. Mr. Spearing In spite of what my right hon. Friend said about fiscal and employment policies, will he confirm that if this country remains a member of the Community we shall be comitted to economic and monetary union? If so, how can he guarantee what he said to the hon. Member for Banbury (Mr. Marten)? Mr. Callaghan There are a number of matters to which we are committed, such as universal disarmament, but I do not expect it to arrive tomorrow. The same is true of economic and monetary union— Mr. Jay By 1980. Mr. Callaghan It is no use some of my right hon. and hon. Friends fighting these old battles over and over again. I hope that we shall not get excited about it. Those who do not want to accept it will not accept it—[AN HON. MEMBER : "he Tories will."] I do not care who does and who does not. I am only giving my best judgment to the House. That judgment, whether or not it is accepted, is that economic and monetary union is unlikely to come for many years, and that when it comes it will only be when all the members of the Community are ready to adopt it. Mr. David Steel The right hon. Gentleman was careful to say that there were no new matters which the Government propose to raise before the referendum. Does not this underline the fact that renegotiation is not a process with a certain begin ning date and a certain ending date but a continuing factor in our membership? Have not the Govenrment given notice that they propose thereafter to pursue the question of the steel policy of the EEC? Mr. Callaghan That is partly true and partly not. In the Labour Party manifesto, which was voted on by the country, we set out a number of issues on which we wished to have some satisfaction and some changes. Those changes have been carried as far as we think it is possible and proper to carry them. After the British people have taken the decision, if we are out, that is the end of it— certainly the end of any further negotiations — but, if we are in, there will be a number of matters on which we shall continue to try to fight for and support British interests as against everyone else's, but looking at the situation in the light of the general interests of Europe as a whole. Mr. Hooley Is my right hon. Friend aware that on 7th December the Prime Minister said that the question of steel would be included in the renegotiations? What progress was made on this matter? Mr. Callaghan At the Council of Ministers, I intimated that if the referendum were decided in such a way that Britain remained a member we should wish to pursue the problems concerning steel investment and to review other problems. Yesterday, my right hon. Friend the Prime Minister reinforced what I said at the Council of Foreign Ministers. Mr. Eldon Griffiths Does not all that the right hon. Gentleman has said with great robustness today demonstrate the essential flexibility and stability of the Community to the needs of its members? Does the right hon. Gentleman agree that he has succeeded— we are glad about it — in obtaining the accommodation of the Community to the needs of Britain, as we on the Opposition benches always expected and felt confident that we would? Mr. Callaghan There is no doubt that during the course of the past 12 months a number of changes have been made in the policies of the Community, as a result of our presence there and of the activities of a number of Ministers. I believe that it has become a more outward-looking body than it was before. In relation to the developing countries, for example, it is embarking upon new policies which are bound to help the developing world. Mr. Mike Thomas My right hon. Friend has confirmed that the renegotiations are now complete. Will he give us his personal view on the question whether the terms of the manifesto on which Government supporters fought the General Election have been met? Mr. Callaghan I certainly hope to join the Prime Minister in expressing a view to the Cabinet. That is the first place in which it should be put. Mr. Ronald Bell Does the Foreign Secretary agree that nothing in what he has negotiated about in recent months will have the slightest effect on the extent to which we are governed and our policies are controlled from Brussels? Mr. Callaghan I do not think that it will have much effect, but I think it is quite clear that the United Kingdom Government will be able to maintain control over their own basic affairs. Mr. Hooley On a point of order, Mr. Speaker. Has my right hon. Friend the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster indicated to you that he wishes to answer Question No. 60? Mr. Speaker No.