Consumer Services (Information) 23. Mr. Gwilym Roberts asked the Secretary of State for Trade if he will introduce legislation to improve the accuracy of the information provided for the public by estate agents, holiday sellers and other similar consumer oriented services; and if he will make a statement. Dr. Vaughan I shall keep the position under review, but I see no case at present for new legislation of this kind. Mr. Roberts Will the Minister accept that I have had a mass of letters from holiday makers who have found that the reality has been completely different from the dream described in the holiday brochure? Mr. Beaumont-Dark It sounds like Socialism to me. Mr. Roberts Does the Minister accept that many trading standards officers have told me that they are extremely unhappy with existing legislation? Dr. Vaughan I agree with the hon. Gentleman. This is an important point and I join him in condemning brochures that mislead people and misrepresent the services to be provided. However, taken in the context of the many holidays sold, I suspect that there are few such cases. The holiday industry is making progress on a self-regulatory and voluntary basis to improve the protection available under the Trades Description Act 1968. We should welcome that.