Classified Roads, Ayrshire (Maintenance And Repair) 29. Mr. Ross asked the Secretary of State for Scotland how much he has allocated to the authorities in Ayrshire in respect of maintenance and repair of classified roads in 1962–63; and how this compares with 1961–62. Mr. Maclay The initial allocation of grant made to Ayr County Council earlier this month towards the cost of works of maintenance and minor improvement on classified roads in the county during 1962–63 was £192,000. The equivalent figure for 1961–62 was £200,050. Mr. Ross Does the right hon. Gentleman appreciate that the inadequacy of the provision in respect of classified roads is equalled only by the slowness in respect of the trunk road from Kilmarnock to Glasgow? Mr. Maclay I agree that all of us would like to have more money available for that road, but we really cannot do everything simultaneously.