Marines' Kit Allowance 58. Mr. Driberg asked the First Lord of the Admiralty what is the present amount of allowance out of which Royal Marines have to buy such items as battle-dress, greatcoat and boots; if he will publish in HANSARD a full list of these items, together with their current prices; and what additional allowance is made when Royal Marines are ordered to buy new kit for special occasions such as the Royal Tournament. Commander Noble Royal Marines receive kit upkeep allowance to maintain their regulation kits. The current annual rates for men on regular engagements are £18 10s. for senior non-commissioned officers and £17 10s. for other noncommissioned officers and men. I am sending the hon. Member a list of the articles and the current prices.Kits have to be maintained in proper condition and kit upkeep allowance is paid for this specific purpose. If a man's kit is found to be of low standard at any time he is required to bring it up to standard without any special allowance being paid.