Criminal Offences (Statistics) 22. Mr. Alton asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many burglaries, car thefts, and robberies with violence took place (a) on Merseyside and (b) in England and. Wales during the last 12 months for which figures are available; and how many motorists were cautioned or prosecuted during the same period. Mr. Brittan 1978 is the latest year for which information on both offences and cautions or prosecutions is available. In 1978 there were recorded 53,300 offences of burglary, theft or unauthorised taking of a motor vehicle, or robbery in Merseyside, and 896,000 such offences in England and Wales. In the same period, for offences relating to motor vehicles, 48,500 persons in Merseyside were given written warnings or proceeded against, and 1,452,000 in England and Wales.