Health And Safety Executive Mr. Norman To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions pursuant to his answer of 7 March 2003, Official Report, column 1259W, on the Health and Safety Executive, what the total pay costs incurred by the Health and Safety Executive were in each year since 1997. [113385] Mr. Browne The information requested is given in the table. ---------------- |Financial Year| ---------------- |1996–97 | ---------------- |1997–98 | ---------------- |1998–99 | ---------------- |1999–2000 | ---------------- |2000–01 | ---------------- |2001–02 | ---------------- Dr. Iddon To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions how many inspectors were employed by the Health and Safety Executive's Field Operations Directorate in each of the last 10 years. [117130] Mr. Browne The information is in the table: -------------- | | -------------- |1 April 1993| -------------- |1 April 1994| -------------- |1 April 1995| -------------- |1 April 1996| -------------- |1 April 1997| -------------- |1 April 1998| -------------- |1 April 1999| -------------- |1 April 2000| -------------- |1 April 2001| -------------- |1 April 2002| -------------- Notes: 1 New Treasury rules for calculating figures for staff working part-time came into operation at 1.4.95; 2 From 1.4.96 HSE divisions were restructured; During 1996–97 there were transfers of posts between Safety Policy Directorate, Chemical and Hazardous Installations Divisions, Field Operations Directorate, Nuclear Safety Directorate and Offshore Safety Division following the Review of Senior Management; 4 Reorganisation of HSE 1 April 2000 5 Field Operations Directorate and HM Railway Inspectorate brigaded May 2000 Dr. Iddon To ask the Secretary of State for Work and Pensions what impact the recently announced cut in the budget of the Health and Safety Executive will have on its performance. [117132] Mr. Browne There has not been a cut in the budget of the Health and Safety Executive. The SR2002 settlement provided for an increase in the HSC/E's resource budget of £4 million in 2003–04, £4 million in 2004–05 and £2 million in 2005–06. HSE's capital budget has been increased by £60 million to cover the on-balance sheet PFI deal for the replacement of HSL's laboratories.The Health and Safety Commission has been determining its priorities for 2003–04 onwards. Resources are being focused on targets and objectives so that resource is allocated according to risk and where HSC/E can have most impact in reducing risk.