Royal Irish Constabulary 10. Sir JOHN LONSDALE asked if the pay of a constable after three years' service in the Royal Irish Constabulary is only 21s. per week, and this figure has remained stationary for more than twenty-five years; if, during that period and since the last revision of pay of this force, the cost of living has risen to a very large extent; and if the Treasury have laid down any definite period of time which must elapse before the question of a further revision of pay will be considered? Mr. BIRRELL I am aware of the facts to which the hon. Member refers, but the question of the pay of the junior constables is part of the larger question of the pay of the force generally, and as I have said before, it is too soon to reconsider that matter, which was dealt with in 1908. The answer to the last paragraph of the question is in the negative.