Resettlement Advice Offices Mr. Erroll asked the Minister of Labour how the volume of work being carried out by resettlement advice centres compares with the amount carried out six months ago. Mr. Isaacs During October, 1946, and March, 1947, the average weekly number of inquiries made at resettlement advice offices was 29,731 and 21,006 respectively. Mr. Erroll While appreciating the very valuable work done by these centres, does the Minister intend to close them down as the volume of inquiries diminishes? Mr. Isaacs The questions of the necessity and advisability of closing down are now under consideration. In many cases the work has been transferred to the employment exchanges where there is a good number of inquiries, in addition to those which I have mentioned. It is intended to keep the service going, but not to maintain separate offices if they can be dispensed with.