Blacksmiths (Rural Areas) 42. Mr. Niall Macpherson asked the Minister of Labour whether he will grant postponement of National Service to blacksmiths in rural areas in the same way as he does to agricultural workers; and how many men he estimates would be affected by such a course. Mr. Bevan It has been the practice to allow deferment of call-up to rural craftsmen, such as blacksmiths, in exceptional instances where the withdrawal of their services would seriously interfere with food production. In view of the manpower needs of the Services I am not in a position to extend the scope of these arrangements. I am unable to estimate the numbers involved. Mr. Macpherson Would the right hon. Gentleman define what he means by "exceptional instances," in view of the fact that farmers depend very largely for the repair of their farm machinery on the services of blacksmiths? Mr. Bevan I suppose that the instances would be in very remote districts where alternative sources would not be available; but, although farming is dependent on these arrangements there are other industries which also depend on definitions of this kind.