Plain Clothes Mr. ASTOR asked the Secretary of State for War whether the effect of paragraph C of Southern Command Order, No. 404, dated 16th April, 1913, was to restrict the facilities previously enjoyed by non-commissioned officers below the rank of colour-sergeant and men of good character of obtaining permission to wear plain clothes when on pass at their stations; and whether, in view of the undertaking given by the late Secretary of State for War in this House on 1st July, 1913, that the restrictions in regard to the wearing of plain clothes in the Southern Command would be removed, he will consider the advisability of restoring to such non-commissioned officers and men the facilities enjoyed prior to April, 1913? Mr. TENNANT I do not think I can add anything to the answer I gave to the hon. Member on the 30th ultimo. It is not considered advisable to widen further the facilities for the wearing of plain clothes.