Northern Region 66. Miss Ward asked the Assistant Postmaster-General whether he has now examined the disadvantages suffered by the Northern Region in broadcasting and television, compared with other regions; and what action he is proposing to take to remedy this situation. Mr. Gammans So far as sound reception is concerned, the trouble arises from the fact that North-East England and Northern Ireland share the same wavelength and there is, unfortunately, no means of getting round this difficulty with the long and medium wavelengths available. The only solution is the introduction of very high frequency sound broadcasting which cannot take place so long as capital expenditure is severely restricted.As for television, but for cuts in capital investment a station at Pontop Pike to serve North-East England would have been proceeded with. I am assured by the B.B.C. that they regard the provision of better sound broadcasting facilities and the opening of the Pontop Pike station as among the first works to be undertaken as soon as the capital investment situation is easier.