Officers (Marriage Allowance) Sir J. Walker-Smith asked the Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that married Army officers under the age of 30 years do not draw allowances at married rates; that this is resulting in great hardship to many officers under that age who, as members of the Territorial Army contracted marriage whilst in civil occupation; and whether he will take steps to remove this hardship and to make them retrospective? Mr. Loftus asked the Secretary of State for War whether it is intended to grant family allowances to married officers under 30 years of age? Sir V. Warrender As has already been announced in the Press, the married officer below 30 years of age who is not in receipt of a consolidated rate of pay is to receive, during the continuance of the emergency, an allowance in aid of the cost of lodgings for his family (if they are not accommodated at public expense) varying from 3s. a day for a wife only, to 5s. 6d. a day for a wife and two or more children. The allowance becomes payable with effect from nth September, 1939.