School Sport Mr. Spring To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what arrangements are in place for OFSTED to report to him on the range and quality of games offered as part of the PE curriculum. [19487] Ms Estelle Morris Her Majesty's Chief Inspector of Schools reports to my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Education and Employment on schools' compliance with the National Curriculum. This includes the National Curriculum for physical education, in which games is a compulsory area of activity for all five to 16 year-olds. Mr. Spring To ask the Secretary of State for Education and Employment what proportions of (a) primary and (b) secondary schools are providing two hours or more per week for physical education; what proportions of (a) and (b) offer extra-curricular sport; and what is the average time spent on extra-curricular sport in (a) and (b). [19473] Ms Estelle Morris This information is not collected or held centrally.