Suffragist Prisoners Mr. KEIR HARDIE I beg to ask the Home Secretary a question, of which I have given him private notice: Whether he can state the number of prisoners now being forcibly fed in consequence of indulging in a hunger strike; whether Hugh Franklin is among these, and, if so, has he received any special report on the state of his health; and what length of time this forcible feeding has been applied in each particular case? Mr. McKENNA I only received the hon. Member's notice after three o'clock, and consequently I am not in a position to answer all his points. The number of prisoners now being forcibly fed is four. Mr. Hugh Franklin is among the number. I saw a report as to his health this morning and there was nothing in the report to suggest alarm. I cannot say how long the process of forcible feeding has been carried on in each case. Mr. KEIR HARDIE Can the right hon. Gentleman arrange to facilitate the delivery of communications? This was handed in at the door to the messengers at one o'clock, and marked "Urgent." Mr. McKENNA If the hon. Member will be so good as to address questions to the Home Office I shall always receive them earlier. Mr. W. THORNE Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a man died the other day in Stafford Asylum through being forcibly fed? Mr. McKENNA I heard of the case this morning.