Ec (Aid Distribution) Sir Teddy Taylor To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will outline the differences between the proposals by the European Commission for the distribution of regional and other aids and the practice of the United Kingdom Government; and what proposals the Commission has for public authorities and other bodies to make direct application to Brussels for such aid or grants. Mr. Leigh The Commission has suggested that the allocation of Community structural funds should be completely separated from other central Government allocations in the United Kingdom public expenditure system.The Government believe that expenditure financed by the funds should be approved by Parliament. The funds therefore feature in the supply estimates of relevant Departments.As regards the possibility of public authorities and other bodies making direct application to Brussels for grants, the Commission has made no such proposals formally. Article 14(1) of Council regulation (EEC) 4253/88 requires applications to be submitted by the member state concerned or by any body it may designate to do so. As it is not expected that the increase in the appropriations for the Funds will lead to any increase in the United Kingdom's receipts from them, the Government believes that Article 9 has no practical impact on the United Kingdom. Sir Teddy Taylor To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry if he will outline the nature of the changes agreed by the EC on the distribution of regional grants in 1988, and the impact these changes have for the established practices of the United Kingdom Government on the distribution of such grants. Mr. Leigh Article 9 of Council regulation (EEC) 4253/88 provides that "In establishing and implementing the Community support frameworks, the Commission and the Member States shall ensure that the increase in the appropriations for the Funds provided for in Article 12(2) of Regulation (EEC) No. 2052/88 has a genuine additional economic impact in the regions concerned and results in at least an equivalent increase in the total volume of official or similar (Community and national) structural aid in the Member State concerned, taking account of the macro-economic circumstances in which the funding takes place."Article 12(2) of Council regulation (EEC) 2052/88 states, inter alia, that "Commitment appropriations for the Structural Funds shall be doubled in real terms in 1993 by comparison with 1987." As it is not expected that the increase in the appropriations for the funds will lead to any increase in the United Kingdom's receipts from them, the Government believe that article 9 has no practical impact on the United Kingdom. Sir Teddy Taylor To ask the Secretary of Slate for Trade and Industry whether the sums allocated by the EC for regional aid to the United Kingdom is spent only for that purpose. Mr. Leigh Yes. Sir Teddy Taylor To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry how much aid from the EC is being delayed on account of the procedural issues raised by the EC Commission; and if Her Majesty's Government will delay comparable amounts in their payments to the EC. Mr. Leigh (a) Approximately £135 million; (b) No.