National Health Service Expenditure Mr. Jack To ask the Secretary of State for Health how much per capita spending on the national health service is for the current financial year; and how much it was in 1979. Mr. Dorrell We currently spend more than £500 per head on the National Health Service each year, compared with £360 at today's prices in 1978–79. Mrs. Peacock To ask the Secretary of State for Health what the spending per resident by Dewsbury health authority was for each of the years 1979 to 1989, inclusive; and what was the comparable national average spending over the same period. Mr. Dorrell [holding answer 13 June 1990]: Information for Dewsbury health authority and for all district health authorities in England for the years since 1 April 1982 are shown in the table.The figures relate expenditure on services within Dewsbury health authority boundaries to numbers of residents. They do not show expenditure on services for Dewsbury residents, since they do not take account of services provided by other districts for Dewsbury residents, or services provided by Dewsbury health authority for residents of other districts.---------- | | ---------- |1982–83 | ---------- |1983–84 | ---------- |1984–85 | ---------- |1985–86 | ---------- |1986–87 | ---------- |1987–88 | ---------- |11988–89| ---------- Sources: (a) Annual accounts of the Dewsbury health authority and all other district health authorities in England for the financial years 1982–83 to 1988–89. (b) Mid year estimates of resident population—1982 to 1988 (Office of Population Censuses and Surveys). Notes to the table: 1. Hospital and Community Health Services (HCHS) covers the total expenditure by district health authorities including that on hospital community health and where relevant patient transport (i.e. ambulance), blood transfusion and other services. 2. District capital expenditure, all expenditure incurred by Regional health authorities on behalf of their regions as a whole and by special health authorities, etc. is excluded. Expenditure on family practitioner services, which is accounted for by family practitioner committees and cannot strictly be attributed to particular districts, is also excluded. 3. Prior to 1 April 1982 to Dewsbury health authority's predecessor health district formed part of a larger area health authority and in those cases district based figures were not collected centrally.