Emigration (Children) 41. Mr. Grimond asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department how many children have been emigrated without their parents since the war. Mr. Ede I regret that the information is not available, since the existing statistics do not distinguish children travelling without their parents from those travelling with them. Mr. Grimond Does not the Minister feel that his Department should have information on this rather important matter? Mr. Ede I am reluctant to collect statistics merely for the sake of collecting them. 42. Mr. Grimond asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if he can give a complete list of the societies engaged in the emigration of children without their parents. Mr. Ede I will circulate in the OFFICIAL REPORT the names of those voluntary societies in England known to my Department to be engaged directly in the emigration of children without their parents. Some of these societies act also as agents for other societies.Following is the list:The Australian Catholic Immigration Committee, Dr. Barnardo's Homes, The Big Brother Movement, The Church of England Advisory Council of Empire Settlement, The Fairbridge Society, The National Children's Home and Orphanage, The New Zealand Sheepowners' Acknowledgement of Debt to British Seamen Fund, The Northcote Children's Emigration Fund for Australia, The Overseas League, The Rhodesia Fairbridge Memorial College, The Salvation Army, The Young Christian Workers' Movement and the Young Men's Christian Association.